Regular Annual Assembly of NK ICOMOS Serbia

On Monday, November 27, 2023, at 12 noon, the Regular Annual Assembly of NC ICOMOS Serbia will be held in the cinema hall of the Ethnographic Museum.


Modern Conservation 11/2023

A new issue of the annual magazine NC ICOMOS Serbia - Modern Conservation 11/2023 will soon be published.

As before, in the permanent sections of this issue you will find interesting texts from the field of history, theory and philosophy of conservation, conservation practice, an interview with one of the significant figures of world conservation, translations of current international documents and reviews of books, meetings and other events related to heritage protection.

Professional tour of the Bač Cultural Landscape

The National Committee of ICOMOS Serbia continued its long-standing project World Heritage - Terminology, Criteria, Role, which was started in 2012 when it marked the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The project was started in Studenica monastery and Stari Ras with Sopoćani, and continued with professional tours of Manasija, Gamzigrad, Negotin beer halls, Smederevo fortress.

This year, ICOMOS Serbia provided its members with a tour of the Bača Cultural Landscape, Serbia's candidate for inclusion in the World Heritage List next year, 2024. The extensive program of the tour was also prepared by the members of the National Committee, Dr. Slavica Vujović and Vladimir Džamić, who are also the authors of the nomination file handed over to the World Heritage Center in January of the current year.

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In cooperation with colleagues from the field of nature protection, the area of the cultural landscape was observed and interpreted, with special emphasis on archaeology, from the first sedentary settlements from the Neolithic era, but also on the multicultural heritage of the Middle and New Ages, such as the Bač fortress, the Franciscan monastery, the Turkish hammam and the Bođani monastery. The participants of the professional tour had the honor and pleasure of getting to know the gastronomic values of the region, whose intangible values were transformed into very tangible ones by the hospitality of the Association "Dida's House".